Exceptional Children's Program

At Brookside, our mission is to serve all students well. To that end, we have an excellent Exceptional Children (EC) department who work with students who require specialized services. Because these services often require additional staff members, we often charge an EC Fee in addition to the standard annual tuition and fees.

Just like we treat every student as a unique individual, services are individualized and can be modified when teachers, parents, administrators, or students agree there should be a change. The list below is not exhaustive, and serves as a menu from which to choose the best strategies, curriculum, or service levels for each student.

  • Modified classroom assignments and test administration within the classroom
  • Small group or individual remediation; push-in or pull-out model
  • Weekly sessions for social, emotional, behavioral goals
  • Structured reading intervention program
  • Modified curriculum class

Families are charged an EC fee that ranges from $1,000 to $5,000 based on the student’s level of service.

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